Standing for the people of Hawaii

Please support our campaign
Please donate to ‘Dr Nick’s Supporters’
Grassroots Campaign
‘For the Love of the People ’and ‘Truth & Transparency’
DISTRICT 4 covers the entire north part of Hawaii island. From North Kona to Pololu in the West and from Honomu to Waipio in the East. We need you to spread this message that we stand for far and wide. I humbly thank you for your support.
As your State Senator, I am committed to researching the legislative history to determine what changes were in the people’s best interests and what changes hurt the people. I will propose immediate changes to legislation that hurts the people rather than helping them. My position requires negotiation skills amongst the other legislators. I have always been an amazing negotiator when it comes to helping people to understand WHY we must make these changes. I have a gift for being able to help people to understand why something is important and why we must do this and bringing people together in harmony and unity to recognize at the end of the day we all want the same things…..a good quality of life for all people. The only thing that stands in the way is the misunderstandings that can be resolved when we come back to what we all want…..a HAPPY place to live. And how do we attain that happiness? A healthy home, healthy relationships, a healthy environment, and a healthy physical body. I will fight for all of the people of Hawaii to have the qualities of life we deserve.
Also, as a small business person, I understand the needs of other small businesses as well as the need to prioritize our investments in to areas that will create a very healthy economy for Hawaii residents to prosper.
I encourage you to read my entire platform but I want to bullet point what I consider to be the top 3 for the county and state of Hawaii.
- Housing – Every one needs to have a home to go to. We need to prioritize solving this issue for all of the residents of Hawaii.
- Food Independence – Due to the unpredictability of the world that we live in, we must incentivize leasing land to individuals with the option to own to those that are willing to increase food production. Meeting certain requirements will give them the option to own the land. We will also need to educate consumers to buy more local as our local food production increases so that the farmers producing the increased production will have readily available consumers.
- Energy Independence – we must make decisions based upon the availability of our choices where to invest in producing more energy from within our own state in order to depend upon areas from outside of our state as little as possible. We need to focus on the long term goal towards as much energy independence within the state of Hawaii as possible.
Paid for by Dr Nick’s Supporters
69-1035 Keana Place #102, Waikoloa, HI 96738
ALL Website content written from Dr Tancheff’s HEART
About Nicholas M. Tancheff, D.C.
I am a Doctor of Chiropractic. My passion is health and wellness. I own a business in Waikoloa named Island Holistic Healing where I provide the highest quality therapies and treatments for musculoskeletal care. I also provide retreat education workshops that teach people how to care for all parts of their body and to learn how to remove the burden of toxicity utilizing water only fasting with the guidance of comprehensive blood and urine analysis.
My first trip to the island of Hawaii was the summer of the year 2000 before beginning my education as a chiropractor. I came to the island to work on a permaculture farm in Kapoho in an area known as Waa Waa on Papaya Farms Road. My very first day on the island I was in awe of the beauty that I was surrounded by. There were fruit trees of all types everywhere I walked along this beautiful farm. I found myself walking from fruit tree to fruit tree not even knowing that I was crossing on to neighboring farms. I found myself on a neighbor farm where a crew of people were moving a chicken coop. One of the people asked me to help and I helped them carry the chicken coop to its destination. Everyone takes a seat on the grass as someone goes to cut off the tree three zieman pink jackfruits for all of us to share and eat. These fruits were the most magical experience. Sweet delicious meaty pink flesh as much as one could desire. I felt I had reached heaven and this is where I was meant to be. I was so happy to have found my forever home.
High School – Owatonna, Minnesota (1989 – 1993)
Wrestling – from the age of 5. 2 time state place winner in High School. (1992 – 1993)
Bachelor of Business Administration from the University of Notre Dame with a Degree in Finance (1997)
US Bank Personal Banker – (1997 – 1998)
Sunfood Nutrition Employee (1998-1999)
Organic Farmer in Ojai, California (1999)
Hawaii – Lived and worked on Permaculture Farms in Kapoho, Hawaii. (during school breaks years 2000 to 2005)
Doctor of Chiropractic from the Southern California University of Health Sciences (2005)
Founder of Choose Life Organic Farm in Kenya (2006 – 2009)
Kenya – Propagated, Donated, and Planted over 10,000 fruit trees to the local schools, communities, and farmers. (2006-2009)
Hawaii – Lived and worked as a Doctor of Chiropractic in Kapoho, Hawaii. (2009 – 2011)
Nairobi, Kenya – Lived and worked as a Doctor of Chiropractic in Nairobi, Kenya. (2011-2012)
Southeast Asia – Lived and worked as a Doctor of Chiropractic in Malaysa, Indonesia, and Singapore. (2012 – 2015)
Hawaii – Offering Health Retreats in Hakalau, Hawaii (2018 -2020).
Hawaii – Owner of Island Holistic Healing in Waikoloa, Hawaii. (2015 – Present)
Paid for by Dr Nick’s Supporters
69-1035 Keana Place #102, Waikoloa, HI 96738
ALL Website content written from Dr Tancheff’s HEART
- Lower Overall Taxes
- Smaller Government
- Less Regulations on Businesses
- Always Open Businesses and Economy
- Affordable Housing for ALL
- Safety in our Neighborhoods
- Protecting our state from Criminal Behavior and Radical Beliefs that want to harm others that have different beliefs.
- Providing In Person Education for our Children Always
- Incentivizing Sustainable Agriculture
- Health Education
- Maintaining and Promoting the Local Traditions, Culture, Values, and Language.
- Peaceful Protests
- Beaches and Beach Parks ALWAYS Open
- Truth & Transparency
- Medical Mandates – The Freedom to Choose
- Mask Mandates – The Freedom to Choose
- Misappropriation of Funds
- Election Dysfunction
- Discrimination of Races, Ethnicities, and Religions
- Government Overreach
- Freedoms that do harm others.
- Allocating more Hawaiian Home Lands to those on the waiting list.
- Giving Hawaiian Home Lands Lessors Ownership to pass on to their beneficiaries.
- Utilizing Land Resources that will offer affordable housing for all people that are willing to work.
- Offer the Homeless the resources they need to get back on their feet and have the home they need to live a healthy life.
- Housing for those that do not have the ability to work due to physical and/or mental limitations.
- We will be able to accomplish all of the above by cutting expenditures going towards unnecessary projects. Housing for All is a Necessity. We will not have a healthy environment if people are not having a home to go to.
- Financially Incentivizing the Growing of Vegetable Gardens and Planting and Caring for Fruit Trees at Schools, Churches, Parks, Homeowner’s Associations, and Family Homes.
- Sustainable Agriculture as part of our children’s education program.
- Recognizing our Chilren’s growth is our priority.
- Within that, making sure that their education is IN PERSON ALWAYS.
- Schools NEVER close for fears of viruses. Freedom of Choice.
- Children NEVER masked. Freedom of Choice.
- Children NEVER mandated to medical interventions of any kind. Freedom of Choice.
- In Person Social activities ALWAYS encouraged.
- Investing in Parks, Sports, Athletics, Music, Dance, etc.
- Investing in Activities that bring people together.
- Acknowledging that the Creator created Male and Female. Who are we to interfere with what the Creator has created?
- One Vote per Legal Voter with Voter ID with Paper Ballots In Person.
- Election Day to be a Holiday so that everyone has the opportunity to Vote
- Eradicating Electronic Elections Equipment
- Clean the Voter Rolls Annually – people that have moved, deceased, and ineligible to vote must be removed.
- Eradicate Mail-In Voting
- Ban Early Voting
- Smaller Voting Precincts to make it easier to count the votes on election day. Election Day should be one day (not days, weeks, months, etc.)
- Election Transparency
- Heavy Prison Sentences for All Who Commit Fraud
- All Races, Ethnicities, and Religions should be considered equal.
- No race, ethnicity, or religion should be punished for the sins of people that committed those sins before them.
- People should be punished for the wrongs they commit but not the wrongs done by others.
- That being said, I strongly believe that native Hawaiians’ preferences regarding appropriation of funds should be our priority. I, personally, will prioritize the desires of the native Hawaiians in regards to appropriation of funds for the communities.
- Transplants (such as myself) that have chosen Hawaii as our home should learn and respect the Hawaiian traditions, culture, values, language, and lifestyle. Learning the traditions, culture, values, language, and lifestyle should be accessible for us to learn, maintain, and promote.
- All religions should be respected except those that teach their members to harm others that do not have their same beliefs.
- I will vote for less regulations to businesses making it easy to begin, own, and operate businesses.
- An open economy that NEVER shuts down.
- Businesses will NEVER be required or requested to shut down due to the fear of viruses.
- Businesses and business owners will NEVER be mandated or requested to wear masks.
- Removing unnecessary government rules, laws, and restrictions.
- I will vote for a lower overall tax rate for all individuals, businesses, and property owners.
- We need to reduce the tax burdens that are keeping people from experiencing financial prosperity.
- Making sure taxpayer money is being spent responsibly.
- Making sure the government is investing wisely.
- Heavy Prison Sentences for All People Involved in the Misappropriation of Funds.
- Freedom for Individuals to invest in all types of investments, including cryptocurrencies.
- Providing the people with the tools and education to know how to properly care for the physical body they have been given.
- Helping people to become less dependent upon the medical system.
- Providing the benefits to those in need.
- Eligible only to those individuals that have resided in Hawaii for a specific period of time.
- Limiting the accessibility to Individuals that have just arrived from other states and countries.
- End the theft of taxpayer money by the politicians.
- Making sure that the political representatives are there to serve the people.
- Heavy Prison Sentences for All That Steal Taxpayer Money.
- I am committed to safety in our neighborhoods.
- Enforcing the laws against theft and harm.
- No additional travel requirements or restrictions due to viruses.
Paid for by Dr Nick’s Supporters
69-1035 Keana Place #102, Waikoloa, HI 96738
ALL Website content written from Dr Tancheff’s HEART